The official journal of the
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education

The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), the educational unit of The Gerontological Society of America, has chosen Gerontology & Geriatrics Education™ as its official journal. With Volume 26, this quarterly journal joined forces with AGHE to improve awareness of best practices and resources for gerontologists and gerontology and geriatrics educators.
Some AGHE members joined the journal’s already distinguished editorial board. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Judith L. Howe's leadership provides superior exploration and discussion of research results, observations, evaluations, theoretical discussions, and recommendations related to gerontology and geriatric course work, practice placements, and curriculum design and implementation. AGHE and the journal work together to serve the needs of those who educate, train, or work with elderly adults. AGHE encourages member organizations to subscribe to this important journal.
Beginning with Volume 26 of Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, an AGHE committee makes a decision as to who will receive a “Best Paper of the Volume” award. Designated as the David A. Peterson Award, the author of the year's most outstanding paper receives $1,000 and an accompanying framed certificate. There is also a paper which receives an Honorable Mention. Click for further information on this award and the most recent awardee. AGHE recognizes the best educators in the field through their annual “Distinguished Faculty Honor.”
Judith L. Howe, PhD, is a Professor of the Department of Geriatrics & Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Director of the New York Consortium of Geriatric Education Centers, Associate Director/Education & Evaluation, VISN 3 GRECC at James J. Peters VAMC, and Director of the VA Interprofessional Palliative Care Fellowship Program, Bronx, New York.
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education is published in print format and electronically. Libraries subscribing to the print version of the journal will be provided with comprehensive, site-wide electronic access for any number of on-site users and for distance-learning programs.