2020年5月20日 星期三


資料來源: https://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5100339

文 李香誼 2020-05-19



2020年5月19日 星期二

新聞選輯: Still Growing: Three Pathways to Successful Aging

Still Growing: Three Pathways to Successful Aging
Longevity and wellness as we get older are within our grasp if we do this.

Posted May 17, 2020

The Challenge

By 2050, 10% of the U.S. population will be 90 or older, according to the Census Bureau. What are we going to do with those “super-sized lives?”

That is the question posed by Laura Carstensen, an expert on aging, in her book, A Long Bright Future.

Assuming the coronavirus crisis and its aftermath do not significantly change the trajectory of human longevity (and, writing these words in the midst of it, I worry about that), those who retire at age 65 could easily have 20-30 more years of active life. How can you make the most of those precious thirty years? Whether retired or not, how could you ensure that your older years are happy and healthy ones?

The term "successful aging" is often used to describe an aging process that is fulfilling, happy, and healthy for as long as possible. While experts differ, most would agree that the key elements of successful aging are “life satisfaction, longevity, freedom from disability, mastery and growth, active engagement with life, and independence,” according to aging expert Harry Moody.

2020年5月15日 星期五

新聞選輯:迎接高齡社會 許聰鑫領南開打造福祉特色大學

資料來源: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5723/4563452?fbclid=IwAR02y7Q-xzE-cVU6WGvpzfebnkG4vfEfG35rLNhm9F7-u3ctjeZ3awpaEnc

迎接高齡社會 許聰鑫領南開打造福祉特色大學
2020-05-14 14:04經濟日報 林志鴻

今年2月接任南開科技大學校長的許聰鑫博士,短短3個月繳出漂亮成績單,包括與地方結盟重視資深公民健康,共同推動「資深公民體適能實境體驗測試巡迴列車暨健康運動推廣計畫」、與智齡科技聯手推智慧長照人才培育計畫,於4/28日打造智齡科技教育基地 、升級為深耕型USR大學,定位為南投共生共榮的務實夥伴,從種子型USR計畫萌芽型USR,在今年升級為深耕型USR學校,是中彰投唯二深耕型技職院校、活絡校園經濟與中投有線合作推大學「抱」「報」「爆」節目,與長美藝術合作成立網紅培訓基地,創意點子推直播電商。以下是校長許聰鑫專訪內容:

新聞選輯:一張椅子兩瓶礦泉水 在家輕鬆練肌力!

一張椅子兩瓶礦泉水 在家輕鬆練肌力!
記者陳夢茹/綜合報導 2020年05月07日 18:51


新聞選輯:7 Skin Cancer Prevention Tips for Older Adults

from: https://www.heritageseniorcommunities.com/2020/05/11/7-skin-cancer-prevention-tips-for-older-adults/

7 Skin Cancer Prevention Tips for Older Adults
by Shelley | May 11, 2020 | Healthy Aging

Before summer officially kicks off in the Great Lake State, it’s important to talk about skin safety. Skin cancers are among the top ten leading types of cancer in this country. Non-melanoma skin cancer tops the list with an estimated one million cases a year, and melanoma comes in seventh with an estimated 68,720 people diagnosed each year.

While some skin damage happens during adolescence, that doesn’t mean you should give up. Every new sunburn increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Protecting yourself is essential.

Here’s what seniors should know about skin cancer prevention.

7 Ways to Protect Aging Skin

新聞選輯:COVID-19 and Older Adults: Time Management & Self-Care Skills


COVID-19 and Older Adults: Time Management & Self-Care Skills
May 12, 2020
By Kim Furlow, Institute for Public Health; Natalie Galucia, MSW; Nancy Morrow-Howell, MSW, PhD; and Emma Swinford, MPH, MSW, Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging

Stay-at-home orders have meant that the routines of millions of people have been disrupted. To stay safe at home, many older adults have been disconnected from jobs, travel plans, grandparent obligations, volunteer engagements, and social gatherings with friends and family. For many, this has been a disorienting shift in the use of time; and for others, it has been very instructive.

In the past two months, we have all been forced to devise a new structure in our days, schedules, and even in our society. We are now finding new ways to fill our time at home, complete our errands, maintain relationships, and decide what fundamentally, on a daily basis, gives us purpose.

新聞選輯:因應超高齡社會 工研院研發AI長照系統


因應超高齡社會 工研院研發AI長照系統



