2022年12月29日 星期四

新聞選輯:年長者多走有益!步行可降低近50%心血管疾病風險 「心跳率」是重點


年長者多走有益!步行可降低近50%心血管疾病風險 「心跳率」是重點- Heho健康 

日期:2022 年 12 月 24 日 

走路不只可以促進血液循環還可增加睡眠品質,一項新研究更顯示,每天多走五分鐘可幫助降低血壓。 走路對身體好處多,《美國商業資訊》報導指出,一項針對六千名受試者長達半個月的研究發現,每天增加 5 分鐘、每週平均增加不行 34 分鐘的步行時間,平均可降低 8.7 毫米汞柱收縮壓。 這項研究結果相當有意義,因為根據刊登《THE LANCET》上的一項分析曾表示,只要降低 5 毫米汞數收縮壓就可顯著降低心臟病、中風以及心血管疾病的發生風險。

2022年12月28日 星期三

新聞選輯:When Is It Too Late to Start Saving for Retirement?


When Is It Too Late to Start Saving for Retirement?
By Rachel Hartman
Reviewed by Emily Brandon
Dec. 23, 2022, at 9:22 a.m.

As retirement nears, it’s common to evaluate your nest egg and decide next steps. When only a few working years remain, you may be wondering if it’s worth saving. If you haven’t yet started, the process of setting aside funds might not seem effective. Any investments you make won’t have many years to earn interest. You might need to access your savings soon after retirement.

As you question if it’s too late to start saving, think about:
How close you are to retirement.
When you want to take Social Security.
What you will need to be comfortable.
How saving in your 50s and 60s could work.





新聞選輯:Why Does My Sleep Become Worse as I Age?


Why Does My Sleep Become Worse as I Age?
By Alisha Haridasani Gupta
Dec. 27, 2022

Q: As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found it harder and harder to fall and stay asleep. Why is that?

Dr. Abhinav Singh, medical director of the Indiana Sleep Center and a sleep professor at Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, likes to answer this question with an analogy. Think of your ability to sleep as though it were a car, he said. As it ages and clocks more miles, it begins to fall apart; it needs more repairs, and its ride becomes less smooth.

The same thing happens with your sleep, Dr. Singh said.

2022年12月27日 星期二

新聞選輯:Most older Canadians feel positive about aging, but income and health have a big impact: report


Most older Canadians feel positive about aging, but income and health have a big impact: report

Alexandra Mae Jones
CTVNews.ca writer

Updated Dec. 21, 2022 3:52 a.m. CST
Published Dec. 20, 2022 7:03 p.m. CST

More than half of Canadians over the age of 50 are feeling positive about aging, according to a new national survey, but those who are struggling financially or have poor health were far more likely to struggle with their expectations of aging.

The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) partnered with the Environics Institute for Survey Research to ask 5,885 Canadians aged 50 and older about their experiences with and their expectations of aging.

The resulting report, published on Tuesday, found that optimism is common among older Canadians, with 63 per cent saying they felt positive about growing older and 72 per cent saying they had enough income for their savings to help them avoid major problems in the future.

2022年12月19日 星期一

新聞選輯:退休理財|趁年輕備妥2帳戶 不當下流老人


退休理財|趁年輕備妥2帳戶 不當下流老人
工商時報 彭禎伶 2022.12.18



2022年12月15日 星期四

研討展覽:The 3rd Int'l Conference on Aging and Gerontology (ICAG 2023)


The 3rd Int'l Conference on Aging and Gerontology (ICAG 2023)
Conference Title
The 3rd Int'l Conference on Aging and Gerontology (ICAG 2023)
Event Type
Conference Date
02-06-2023 to 04-06-2023
Chengdu, Sichuan, China

期刊資源:Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics


Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Edited by:
Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD
Jessica A. Kelley, PhD Editorial board
ISSN (print):
ISSN (online):

This landmark annual review has provided over three decades of knowledge, insight, and research on topics critical to gerontologists everywhere. The purpose of this annual review is to critically examine the full gamut of literature on key topics in gerontology and geriatrics, including social and cultural issues, medicine, psychology, economics, and end-of-life issues. ARGG continues its long tradition of professionalism under the editorship of a leading expert in the field of gerontology, Toni C. Antonucci. Over the past 35 years, ARGG has brought together internationally recognized experts in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics, and continues to deliver the highest standards of content and authoritative reviews of research for students, researchers, and clinicians.

期刊資源:Pandemic’s Many Effects on Older Women Documented in Journal


Pandemic’s Many Effects on Older Women Documented in Journal

December 14, 2022
Contact: Todd Kluss
(202) 587-2839

A new supplemental issue to The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, titled “The Impact, Experience, and Challenges of COVID-19: The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI),” explores key areas on how older women initially responded to the threat of COVID-19, their concerns about the pandemic, and aspects of their prior health and well-being that may have influenced the impact of COVID-19 on their lives.

The WHI represents one of the largest and most diverse longitudinal studies conducted in postmenopausal women. Three decades after its 1992 launch, 52,543 women continue to be actively engaged in the core of this landmark study, with a mean age of 86.6 (ranging from 73 to 106 years of age). The WHI is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the journal supplement was made possible by support from Wake Forest University Health Sciences.

2022年12月14日 星期三

新聞選輯:How Does What We Eat Affect How We Age?

How Does What We Eat Affect How We Age?


The results of the study highlight the importance of thinking about nutrition holistically.

According to recent research from the Butler Columbia Aging Center at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, the answer to a seemingly simple question – how does what we eat impact how we age – is unavoidably complex.

While the majority of analyses had focused on the effects of a single nutrient on a single outcome, a conventional, unidimensional approach to understanding the effects of diet on health and aging no longer gives us the full picture. A healthy diet needs to be thought of based on the balance of ensembles of nutrients, rather than by optimizing a series of nutrients one at a time. Up until recently, little was understood about how dietary variation that occurs naturally in humans impacts aging. The findings were recently published in the journal BMC Biology.



2022-12-12 10:12:05 聯合報 / 記者廖靜清/台北報導

● 被害妄想是老年憂鬱常發生症狀
● 憂鬱症是失智症的早期徵兆之一
● 失智症患者對健忘、記憶衰退沒有感覺


身心狀況急速惡化 恐是老年憂鬱




2022-12-12 11:00:00 聯合報 / 本報記者雷光涵/報導

日本是全世界最長壽的國家,正在迎接人生一百年時代。過去日本人倡議的「終活」,是六、七十歲開始生前斷捨離、交代後事遺願、醫療抉擇等 ,近年愈來愈多人認知,可能得一個人走完人生下半場,於是許多人從五十歲就開始投入終活。台灣邁入超高齡社會的腳步緊跟在日本之後,日本提前準備終活的經驗,可提供觀察與預習。

踏出第一步 想像老年怎過


新聞選輯:不想又老又窮 1關鍵 40歲存老本也來得及

不想又老又窮 1關鍵 40歲存老本也來得及
工商時報 數位編輯 2022.12.12



2022年12月12日 星期一

新聞選輯:高齡友善調查:老人下不來醫療上不去 專家籲通用設計


高齡友善調查:老人下不來醫療上不去 專家籲通用設計
2022-12-08 21:56 聯合報/ 記者許政榆鄒尚謙/台北即時報導長照






日期:2022 年 12 月 8 日 

隨著人口老化,許多長者的認知功能會退化,甚至發展為阿茲海默症,而培養閱讀習慣能改善大腦功能。根據一項發表在《心理學前沿》(Frontiers in Psychology)期刊上的研究,在人們年齡增長及大腦衰退的情況下,閱讀有助於維持記憶力。 

美國貝克曼先進科學技術研究所(Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology)成人學習實驗室主任 Liz Stine-Morrow 博士指出,閱讀那些真正吸引你的書籍有很多好處,它有助於增強閱讀所需要的心理能力。 其中一種心理能力稱為「情節記憶」,它使我們能夠記住一本書前幾章的內容,並讓我們理解正在閱讀的文字。另一種心理能力則是「工作記憶」,指的是將事物保留在我們的腦海中的能力,工作記憶有助於在繼續閱讀時回想前一個段落中的內容。

繼續閱讀: 如何預防阿茲海默症?研究:閱讀習慣能增強老年人的記憶力 - Heho健康

2022年12月9日 星期五

新聞選輯:全台約300萬「老青獨居者」 許志成:獨居+孤寂感恐加成作用


全台約300萬「老青獨居者」 許志成:獨居+孤寂感恐加成作用
2022-12-07 21:04 聯合報/ 記者許政榆/台北即時報導

聯合報健康事業部、台灣人壽今日舉辦「高齡友善PLUS 幸福台灣無限」座談會,國衛院高齡醫學暨健康福祉研究中心執行長許志成表示,全台51萬名高齡獨居者,若加上年輕獨居者,全台約有300萬名獨居者,而獨居並非壞事,有些作家、作曲者需獨自安靜才能創作,但若獨居加上「孤寂感」,感覺與社會脫離、無法融入人群,彷彿被社會拋棄,恐有加成作用。


新聞選輯:Is aging in place right for you?


Is aging in place right for you?
December 7, 2022

If you’re planning to stay in your home as long as possible, here are some steps you should take. Consider your health, the safety of your home, and the resources available in your community. The following questions can help you think this all though. If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, talk with your doctor. Share the answers with your family and consider reaching out to an aging-in-place specialist who might also be able to help determine if remaining in your home is a safe option for you.

新聞選輯:Only 38% of Americans have discussed their aging parents finances


Only 38% of Americans have discussed their aging parents finances
December 7, 2022 6:00am EST
By Daniella Genovese FOXBusiness

EXCLUSIVE: Talking about money is often taboo. But in certain cases these conversations are critical to ensure our parents are solvent as they enter retirement.

However, according to a recent Wells Fargo survey on financial planning, only 38% of Americans with aging parents have discussed both their parents' current and future financial situation. Under half, 46% of Americans, talked to their parents about whether they have the money they need now.

The survey revealed that 34% of Americans haven't discussed their parents' current or future financial situation. On top of that, almost half of respondents admitted that they would rather discuss funeral plans over financial planning.

2022年12月8日 星期四

期刊資源:Daytime Napping and Cognitive Health in Older Adults: A Systematic Review


Daytime Napping and Cognitive Health in Older Adults: A Systematic Review
Junxin Li 1, Miranda V McPhillips 2, Zhongyue Deng 3, Fangfang Fan 4, Adam Spira 3
Affiliations expandPMID: 36472580
DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glac239

Background: Daytime napping may improve cognitive function in older adults. However, the association can be complicated by specific features of napping and the older adult's health. This systematic review aims to synthesize the current literature on napping and cognition in older adults and provide recommendations for future research and daytime sleep practice in older adults.

2022年12月5日 星期一

新聞選輯:Life really does get better with age: Study finds older adults experience less daily stress


Life really does get better with age: Study finds older adults experience less daily stress
DECEMBER 1, 2022
by John Anderer

Author: ‘On average, the experience of daily stress won’t get worse, but in fact get better.’

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — There’s no way around it: Modern life is stressful. We all have bills to pay, responsibilities to meet, and goals to achieve. For countless people, the demands of daily life often result in daily stress. If you’re dealing with a lot of stress in your life right now, new research from Penn State is here to say chances are it will get better — eventually. Researchers report that the number of daily stressors and people’s reactivity to daily stressors tends to decrease with age.

In other words, older adults usually encounter fewer stressors throughout their days, but even when they do, they don’t allow those experiences to strain them as much as a younger individual would.

2022年12月1日 星期四

新聞選輯:高齡幫幫忙 超高齡社會中關懷據點的服務觀察與轉型


高齡幫幫忙 超高齡社會中關懷據點的服務觀察與轉型
2022/11/30 · 作者 / 林治萱 · 出處 / Web only
