2022年12月9日 星期五

新聞選輯:Only 38% of Americans have discussed their aging parents finances


Only 38% of Americans have discussed their aging parents finances
December 7, 2022 6:00am EST
By Daniella Genovese FOXBusiness

EXCLUSIVE: Talking about money is often taboo. But in certain cases these conversations are critical to ensure our parents are solvent as they enter retirement.

However, according to a recent Wells Fargo survey on financial planning, only 38% of Americans with aging parents have discussed both their parents' current and future financial situation. Under half, 46% of Americans, talked to their parents about whether they have the money they need now.

The survey revealed that 34% of Americans haven't discussed their parents' current or future financial situation. On top of that, almost half of respondents admitted that they would rather discuss funeral plans over financial planning.

