2023年3月7日 星期二

新聞選輯:Transforming the Narrative About Aging


Transforming the Narrative About Aging
Posted March 2, 2023 
Lisa Borrero Ph.D.

  • Ageism, negative attitudes about people based on age, remains largely unchallenged.
  • Some 82 percent of older adults experience at least one form of ageism in their daily lives.
  • Ageism comes with a host of negative consequences for older adults in all areas of life.
In January and February, elementary schools nationwide celebrate the 100th day of school. The premise for this tradition is to mark 100 days of learning for students. The celebration often includes a dress-up component in which students can come to school dressed as their future 100-year-old selves. It’s supposed to be light-hearted fun, but too often, these costumes reflect a single representation of an older person – one who is hunched, gray-haired, and wrinkled, and uses a cane or walker to get around. That this caricature represents an accepted picture of what it means to be old is troubling and reflects deeply ingrained, widespread prejudices about older adults. Our collective reliance on this archetype of older age is damaging. Attitudes about age begin to form during childhood, which means it’s crucial to address the stereotypes early on.

