2021年12月30日 星期四

新聞選輯: Academic Education Can Positively Affect Brain Aging

資料來源: https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/academic-education-can-positively-affect-brain-aging-357102

Academic Education Can Positively Affect Brain Aging
Published: December 23, 2021
| Original story from University of Zurich
Section of a brain measured by MRI in horizontal section with white matter hyperintensities (A) and lacunae (B). Credit: UZH

The benefits of good education and lifelong learning extend into old age. The initial findings of a long-term study show that certain degenerative processes are reduced in the brains of academics. Their brains are better able to compensate age-related cognitive and neural limitations.

A good education is an excellent way to embark on a successful career and develop your personality. But can education also have a positive effect on our brains as we get older? A team of researchers under the University Research Priority Program “Dynamics of Healthy Aging” led by Lutz Jäncke, professor of neuropsychology at the University of Zurich, has now explored this question in a long-term study.

