Educational Gerontology
(From: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=g908511968~tab=summary )
This well-respected journal offers up-to-date original research in the fields of gerontology, adult education, and the social and behavioral sciences. Researchers from around the world will benefit from the exchange of ideas for both the study and practice of educational gerontology. Papers published in the journal will also serve as authoritative contributions to the growing literature in this burgeoning field. Educational Gerontology is the only international journal of its kind to publish twelve issues per volume year.
(From: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=g908511968~tab=summary )
This well-respected journal offers up-to-date original research in the fields of gerontology, adult education, and the social and behavioral sciences. Researchers from around the world will benefit from the exchange of ideas for both the study and practice of educational gerontology. Papers published in the journal will also serve as authoritative contributions to the growing literature in this burgeoning field. Educational Gerontology is the only international journal of its kind to publish twelve issues per volume year.

Experimental Aging Research
(From: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t713722867~tab=summary )
Experimental Aging Research is a life span developmental and aging journal dealing with research on the aging process from a psychological and psychobiological perspective. It meets the need for a scholarly journal with refereed scientific papers dealing with age differences and age changes at any point in the adult life span. Areas of major focus include experimental psychology, neuropsychology, psychobiology, work research, ergonomics, and behavioral medicine. Original research, book reviews, monographs, and papers covering special topics are published.
(From: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t713722867~tab=summary )
Experimental Aging Research is a life span developmental and aging journal dealing with research on the aging process from a psychological and psychobiological perspective. It meets the need for a scholarly journal with refereed scientific papers dealing with age differences and age changes at any point in the adult life span. Areas of major focus include experimental psychology, neuropsychology, psychobiology, work research, ergonomics, and behavioral medicine. Original research, book reviews, monographs, and papers covering special topics are published.

Experimental Gerontology
(From: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/525468/description#description )
Experimental Gerontology is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of work from all areas of biogerontology, with an emphasis on studies focused at the systems level of investigation, such as whole organisms (e.g. invertebrate genetic models), immune, endocrine and cellular systems, as well as whole population studies (e.g. epidemiology). The journal also publishes studies into the behavioural and cognitive consequences of aging, where a clear biological causal link is implicated.