Age and Ageing is an international journal publishing refereed original articles and commissioned reviews on geriatric medicine and gerontology. Its range includes research on ageing and clinical, epidemiological, and psychological aspects of later life.

Ageing & Society (From:http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=ASO)
Ageing & Society is an interdisciplinary and international journal devoted to the understanding of human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts. It draws contributions and has readers from many academic social science disciplines, and from clinical medicine and the humanities. In addition to original articles, Ageing & Society publishes book reviews, occasional review articles and special issues.

As the average human life expectancy has increased, so too has the impact of ageing and age-related disease on our society. Ageing research is now the focus of thousands of laboratories that include leaders in the areas of genetics, molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and behaviour. Ageing Research Reviews (ARR) covers the trends in this field. It is designed to fill a large void, namely, a source for critical reviews and viewpoints on emerging findings on mechanisms of ageing and age-related disease. Rapid advances in understanding of mechanisms that control cellular proliferation, differentiation and survival are leading to new insight into the regulation of ageing.

Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics provides a medium for the publication of papers from the fields of experimental gerontology and clinical and social geriatrics. The principal aim of the journal is to facilitate the exchange of information between specialists in these three fields of gerontological research. Experimental papers dealing with the basic mechanisms of aging at molecular, cellular, tissue or organ levels will be published.
Assistive Technology Journal
(From: Technology is the one journal that meets the concerns of all practitioners involved in the application of assistive technology and rehabilitation technologies and the delivery of related services. The journal seeks to foster communication among researchers, developers, clinicians, educators, consumer and others working in all aspects of the assistive technology arena.