2019年11月29日 星期五

新聞選輯: Successful Aging: What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

From: https://www.dailynews.com/2019/11/28/successful-aging-what-you-need-to-know-about-alzheimers-disease/

Successful Aging: What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease
By HELEN DENNIS | helendenn@aol.com |
PUBLISHED: November 28, 2019 at 1:08 pm | UPDATED: November 28, 2019 at 1:08 pm

Dear readers,

November was Alzheimer’s Awareness month, which was designated by President Reagan in 1983. Given the importance of the topic, here are some distilled facts (or myths) in the form of a true-false quiz. Being aware and knowledgeable about this disease is important for our own health and for those whom we love, reminding us to take preventative action to the extent possible.

1. Almost six million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease.

2. One in three older adults die while having Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

3. The cause of the disease is known; the cure is not.

4. Where you live matters.

5. There is little we can do to reduce risks of Alzheimer’s disease.

6. The greatest risk factor is biological aging.

7. Alzheimer’s disease is part of normal aging.

8. Alzheimer’s disease is the most expensive disease in America.

9. Those with the disease live about two years after diagnosis.

10. Most care is provided by unpaid caregivers.


